OK, I know it's a bit of a cop-out, having a 'summer' post. But you have to admit - nothing much happens in summer, so I've decided just to post some nice photos that I took over the summer. With visits mainly to Waxham and Cley with a few days in the Swiss Alps on a family holiday (and unsuccessfully seeing Rock Partridge), summer has been pretty quiet bird-wise.
I've started with some of the interesting stuff that I saw in Switzerland, and then finished with photos from North Norfolk. If you can identify any of the alpine flowers, please let me know. Thanks.
Convulvulus Hawk-moth, Ilanz, Switzerland. |
Nutcraker, Vals, Switzerland. |
Alpine flowers 1 |
Alpine Flowers 2 |
Alpine Flowers 3 |
Chamois |
Chamois |
Alpine Marmot |
Alpine Chough, Eagles's Nest, Berchtesgaden, Germany |
Female Shoveler, Cley |
Female Shoveler, Cley |
Friendly-neighbourhood Avocet, Cley. |
Juvenile Marsh Harrier, Cley. |
Red Deer, Hickling. |
Skylark, Weybourne. |
Marsh Harrier food-pass, Cley. |
Male Tufted Duck, Cley. |
Woodpigeion, Cley. |
Hi Graham.
Whilst I don't recognise the plants offhand, I bought a guide to plants of the Slovene alps when I stayed in that region years ago. From that I would suggest:
Spiniest Thistle (Cirsium spinosissimum), Dwarf Gentian (Gentiana pumila) - note there is more than one plant with that English name, and Whorled Lousewort (Pedicularis verticillata).
James Emerson
Hi James,
Thanks for those suggestions. I looked them up and they all seem pretty good IDs.
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