Today I managed to find Fuerteventura's first Olive-backed Pipits - 4 birds together in the Costa Calma woodland. There are 2 previous Canary Island records: The first found by Tony Clarke on Tenerife and the other from Lanzarote.
All 4 birds kept together, usually creeping around in the pine trees, but occasionally dropping down to feed on the ground. They constantly pump their tails and although the did give their characteristic rasping "Spueeee"call, they usually gave a thin short "siip" call, usually given when flying short distances between branches.
I never managed to photograph more than 2 birds together at one time, but there were definitely (at least) 4 birds present.
If you're interested in seeing the birds here are the directions:
The birds are in the wooded area, on the north side of the FV2 between the two roundabouts (one at the east end is the exit for Hotel Fuerteventura Playa and the one at the west end has a petrol station just before it). Starting at the east end of the wood, where there are a couple of restaurants, walk east for about 100 metres. A path cuts across the width of the wood, which leads to the second major pedestrian crossing between the two roundabouts (the first crossing being straight after the roundabout). Take the path until you get near the FV2 and then go west into the wood. This is where the birds were. Scan the ground ahead of you to see if any of the birds are feeding on the deck (they usually did when there wasn't anyone around). If they weren't on the ground they were creeping around the lower branches of the pine canopy. They were quite vocal some of the time.
Olive-backed Pipits, Costa Calma, Fuerteventura |
Olive-backed Pipits, Costa Calma, Fuerteventura |
Olive-backed Pipits, Costa Calma, Fuerteventura |
Olive-backed Pipits, Costa Calma, Fuerteventura |
Olive-backed Pipits, Costa Calma, Fuerteventura |
Olive-backed Pipits, Costa Calma, Fuerteventura |
Olive-backed Pipits, Costa Calma, Fuerteventura |
And finally, a crap photo of a Fieldfare which was around the cafes in the east end of the wood. I understand it's quite rare too.
They are not the first appointments to the island of Fuerteventura. Last year there were 2 birds in costa calma February 2012 that probably wintered at this place. There was another appointment of a bird on the island of Lanzarote in April 2011.
Costa Calma is probably a species wintering site.
a greeting
Juan Sagardía
Hello Graham.
My name is Francisco Javier García Vargas.
The reason why I´m writing you is because at the moment, I´m working with Dr. Eduardo García del Rey in the book "Rare Birds of the Canary Islands".
For it, we have excellent pictures of the bird seen in Lanzarote, but we would like to have your picture with two birds together (the fourth from the top of your post would be great).
If you are interested in collaborate with us, this is my email address:
Congratulations for this exceptional record.
Francisco Javier
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