As it was my last full day today, I thought I'd potter around the island, catching up on a few birds that I'd not seen many of during the past few day, particularly some of the smaller desert species and also looking along the coast for some waders. My first stop was Las Salinas, where there was Spoonbill and Little Egret on the rocks, plus lots of Sandwich Terns off shore. I then head north to Puerto de Lajas, north of Puerto del Rosario. The rocks by the beach had quite a good selection of waders with Kentish Plover, Grey Plover, Whimbrel, Dunlin, Sanderling and Turnstone.
Kentish Plover, Puerto de Lajas |
I made my way north to Barranco de Tinojay where there was a big mixed flock of Lesser Short-toed Larks and Trumpeter Finches. I then looped up across the north coast of the island to Correlejo, stopping at a few places and then headed to Cotill, which was pretty quiet.
Then it was off to Las Molinos reservoir to see if there was much on the water. The Ring-necked Duck was still present, in with the Coot flock, 40 Black-bellied Sandgrouse flew over and waders were represented by Black-winged Stilt, Greenshank, Common and Spotted Redshank, Common and Green Sand and Little Ringed Plover. The goat farm at the start of the access road to the dam was really good. There was a pair of Black-belled Sandgrouse in the paddock, along with lots of Lesser Short-toed Larks and Trumpeter Finches. The goat farm on the way to the inlet side of the reservoir had 7 Laughing Doves with the Feral Pigeons and Collared Doves.
I finished the day off with a short seawatch off Fustes, but the reason it was short was because there was literally no seabirds at all!
Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Los Molinos |
Lesser Short-toed Lark, Los Molinos |
Lesser Short-toed Lark, Los Molinos |
Lesser Short-toed Larks, Los Molinos |
Trumpeter Finch, Los Molinos |
Ruddy Shelduck, Los Molinos |
Ruddy Shelduck, Los Molinos |
Ring-necked Duck, Los Molinos |
Ring-necked Duck, Los Molinos |
Ring-necked Duck, Los Molinos |
Ring-necked Duck, Los Molinos |
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