I've seen a few bits and bobs over the past couple of weeks, so I thought I'd stick in a post with some photos that I've managed to take. The best place over the past few weeks has been Rush Hills Scrape. Although I've still not seen the Glossy Ibis that appears to be roosting in the area, there's been plenty of other birds to see. The pick of the crop is a Temminck's Stint that I had on 10 May. There were about 80 each of Dunlin and Ringed Plover around that day too, so plenty to see. The scrape still looks really good for waders and there's been a good selection of waders there every day I've been.
Temminck's Stint (middle) with Ringed Plover (back) and Dunlin (foreground), Rush Hills Scrape, Norfolk.
Garganey has also been a regular visitor to the scrape, with a male being seen regularly over the past couple of weeks. I had a pleasant surprise today though as there were 2 drakes hanging around together. Other birds on Rush Hills over the past couple of weeks include Wood Sandpiper, Green Sand, Common Sand, Grey Plovers, Greenshanks, Whimbrel, Ruff, 4 Little Gulls, Med Gull and plenty of other commoner stuff.
2 drake Garganey, Rush Hills Scrape, Norfolk.
The coast has been pretty quiet and hard going (spring always is). I did enjoy watching this Stonechat build its nest at Horsey Gap the other week though.
It's that time again! Female Stonechat, Horsey Gap, Norfolk.